Rise In Love

Rise In Love
1 Rise in Love

About Album

Rise in love é il risultato della varietá di influenze musicali a cui SirJo é stato esposto, inizialmente grazie alla collezione di vinili di famiglia, composta da molti artisti rappresentanti di generi assai diversi tra loro: Blues, Classic e Prog Rock, Jazz, cantautorato, Folk, New Wave e alcuni album di difficile classificazione hanno formato la sua poliedrica personalità musicale. Successivamente la sua permanenza a Los Angeles appena compiuti i vent’anni ha significato un’immersione profonda nella musica dei neri americani, principalmente Soul, Funk e Rhythm & Blues. In Rise in love si sentono gli echi di tante di queste influenze, impreziosite dall’apporto di due ospiti speciali: Pepe Ragonese ed Alex Pacho Rossi, già collaboratori di SirJo in Founda(c)tion ed i altri progetti. Pepe alla tromba crea un’atmosfera che ricorda sciarpe di seta fruscianti al vento mentre le percussioni ed i colori di Pacho ci ricordano che per volare c’è bisogno di una terra da cui rialzarsi e di un’acqua da cui riemergere.
“Per poter sorgere in amore (Rise in love), siamo caduti in amore (fell in love) un sacco di volte e ci siamo sempre rialzati.” SirJo.

Release Date
Rise In Love
from The Songbook Chronicles EP 2 - Loving, track released June 12, 2020

Available Lyrics

Rise in Love
She was young and she was sweet And I could tell she was complete She even knew the words to some of My favorite songs Her talk was bright her wisdom clear The outer world just disappeared And at once it was there waiting for me And I felt she was the one That I had been asking for and yet I felt Something that I couldn’t name Like a current of unrest It was just like taking a test I was to blame For she never asked me to prove myself no B: I couldn’t help it, up I blew I slipped and tripped like a fool CH: I fell in love with you And there was nothing I could do U see cause I fell deep into the blue and there was Nothing I could do I tried to swim in your ocean but I was drowning VS2: time apart can break and heal Eleven moons inside my reel I can clearly see them in front of me now My insecurity was strong I clung to you and it was wrong I was heavier than lead and we fell apart B: you were my school I made the grade Thanks to you I can tell her CH2: I rise in love with you And there is so much we can do You tell me I rise in love with you And we’ll be swimming through the blue Because I rise in love with SP: you won’t be my aphrodite to idolize And I won’t be your Helios in the skies But I can be your Cesar You’ll be Cleo and we’ll both rule B: we found a shore and here we lay We’re diving deeper every day CH3: I rise in love with you And there is so much we can do You tell me I rise in love with you And we’ll be swimming through the blue Because I rise in love with you And there is so much we can do You tell me I rise in love with you And we’ll be swimming through the blue Because I rise in love with you

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